1. Moralo oa sehlahisoa o ntlafalitsoeng, ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng, le tlhahiso e phahameng.
2. Matla a phahameng a matla, lerata le tlaase, tšebeliso e tlaase ea matla.
3. Screw le barrel e entsoeng ka tšepe ea nitrided alloy alloy e matla haholo (38CrMoALA), e thibelang ho bola, 'me e sebetsa nako e telele.
4. Moralo o ikhethileng oa screw, motsoako o motle, le phello ea polasetiki.
5. Ts'ebetso e bonolo le litšenyehelo tse tlase tsa tlhokomelo.
6. Remote module e fumaneha bakeng sa ho beha leihlo le ho lokisoa hole joalo ka tlhoko.
● Extrusion ea phala ea polasetiki: e loketse PE ea phepelo ea metsi, PE ea khase ea PE, PP-R ea phepelo ea metsi, PPR-fiberglass co-extrusion pipe, PEX cross-linked pipe, aluminium-plastic composite pipe, hose e bonolo ea PVC, HDPE silicon core. Liphaephe le liphaephe tse fapa-fapaneng tse ngata tsa co-extrusion tsa layer.
● Letlapa la polasetiki le extrusion ea phanele: e loketseng ho extrusion ea PP, PC, PET, PS le lipampiri tse ling le liphanele.
● Plastic cast film extrusion : e loketse bakeng sa filimi ea lithium-ion battery separator, CPP, CPE multi-layer co-extrusion packaging cast film, breathable film le lihlahisoa tse ling tsa filimi.
● Plastiki e fetotsoeng pelletizing: e loketse ho kopanya, ho fetola le ho matlafatsa lipolasetiki tse sa tšoaneng.
● Tlhahiso e phahameng, ts'ebetso e phahameng, lerata le tlaase, tšebeliso e tlaase ea matla.
● Ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng, ts'ebetso e bonolo, litšenyehelo tse tlaase tsa tlhokomelo.
● Moralo oa likurufu ke oa mahlale 'me o loketse ho tsoakoa le ho etsa polasetiki.
● Theknoloji e ka sehloohong ea sekurufu se sebetsang hantle haholo se nang le tekanyo ea L/D ea 40.
● The screw and barrel entsoe ka high-power alloy steel (38CrMoALA) e nang le phekolo ea nitriding, e thibelang kutu le e tšoarellang nako e telele.
● Bimetal barrel boikhethelo bakeng sa lintho tse sa hloekang ho lelefatsa bophelo.
● Taolo e nepahetseng ea mocheso ka ho pholisa moea le ho tsitsa metsi.Moralo oa screw bakeng sa phanele, lakane le filimi ea cast e na le ts'ebetso ea mantlha ea ho fetola mocheso, e ka ntlafatsang ts'ebetso ka katleho.
● Mochine o ka sehloohong oa makenete oa synchronous o netefatsa ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng, ts'ebetso e phahameng le torque e kholo ea phetiso.
● Gearbox ea boleng bo phahameng e entsoe ka tšepe ea alloy e matla haholo.Ka lits'ebetso tsa litsebi tsa carburizing, ho tima le ho sila meno, lisebelisoa tse phahameng tse nepahetseng li tiisa ho jara mojaro o phahameng, phetisetso e boreleli le lerata le tlase.
● Moralo oa mahlale oa sebaka sa ho kena ka har'a lihlahla tsa lijo-thollo o ka potlakisa sekhahla sa ho pholisa .
● Siemens S7-1200 series PLC, 12-inch full-color touch screen, e nang le mesebetsi ea ho fumana lintlha le ho hlahloba lintlha.
● Ho ikhethela Jeremane INOEX tsamaiso ea gravimetric e kopantsoe ka ho phethahetseng tsamaisong ea rona ea taolo ea Siemens.Ha ho na tlhoko ea ho sebelisa terminal e eketsehileng ea ts'ebetso bakeng sa sistimi ea gravimetric.
● Mojule oa taolo ea remoutu o ka ikhethela bakeng sa tlhahlobo le tlhokomelo e hole.
● Mokhoa oa ho laola lebelo ka ABB inverter.
● Likarolo tsa motlakase tse nang le matla a tlaase li khethiloe lihlahisoa tsa brand tse tummeng tsa machaba, tse nang le boleng bo botle, mefuta-futa e phahameng, le tse loketseng bakeng sa tlhokomelo ea ka mor'a thekiso.
Mohlala | Screw Diameter (mm) | L/D | Max.Sephetho |
BLD25-25 | 25 | 25 | 5 |
BLD30-25 | 30 | 25 | 8 |
BLD40-25 | 40 | 25 | 15 |
BLD45-25 | 45 | 25 | 25 |
BLD65-25 | 65 | 25 | 80 |
BLD90-25 | 90 | 25 | 180 |
BLD45-28 | 45 | 28 | 40 |
BLD65-28 | 65 | 28 | 80 |
BLD80-28 | 80 | 28 | 150 |
BLD40-30 | 40 | 30 | 20 |
BLD45-30 | 45 | 30 | 70 |
BLD65-30 | 65 | 30 | 140 |
BLD120-33 | 120 | 33 | 1000 |
BLD45-34 | 45 | 34 | 90 |
BLD50-34 | 50 | 34 | 180 |
BLD65-34 | 65 | 34 | 250 |
BLD80-34 | 80 | 34 | 450 |
BLD100-34 | 100 | 34 | 850 |
BLD150-34 | 150 | 34 | 1300 |
BLD55-35 | 55 | 35 | 200 |
BLD65-35 | 65 | 35 | 350 |
BLD80-35 | 80 | 35 | 540 |
BLD120-35 | 120 | 35 | 400 |
BLD150-35 | 150 | 35 | 600 |
BLD170-35 | 170 | 35 | 700 |
BLD65-38 | 65 | 38 | 500 |
BLD50-40 | 50 | 40 | 350 |
BLD65-40 | 65 | 40 | 600 |
BLD80-40 | 80 | 40 | 870 |
BLD100-40 | 100 | 40 | 1200 |
BLD120-40 | 120 | 40 | 1500 |
Guangdong Blesson Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. e fana ka ts'ebeletso ea tiisetso ea selemo se le seng.Nakong ea ts'ebeliso ea sehlahisoa, haeba u na le lipotso mabapi le sehlahisoa, u ka ikopanya le rona ka kotloloho bakeng sa lits'ebeletso tsa morao-rao tsa thekiso.
Guangdong Blesson Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. e fana ka litifikeiti tsa ho tšoaneleha ha sehlahisoa bakeng sa sehlahisoa ka seng se rekisoang, ho netefatsa hore sehlahisoa ka seng se hlahlobuoe ke litsebi tsa litsebi le li-debugger.